
ARO’s earliest investigations of pattern and surface sought to elevate prosaic materials through unexpected design applications. With paper and cardboard as our construction materials, we were able to test myriad schemes for turning two-dimensional machine-cut pieces into three-dimensional modules that, in turn, could comprise a freestanding structure: whether a nine-foot wall or a sculptural lamp.

These early paper explorations resulted in the design of lattice screens milled from fiberboard. In residential applications, the screens are both functional and decorative, dynamically mediating daylight and views in small spaces.

  • Photo of light streaming through designed openings in a cardboard structure
    Model and lighting study for the Eyebeam Museum international design competition
  • Desaturated photo a wall designed from cardboard
    For an installation at Artists Space Gallery, ARO created a system of laser-cut paper templates that bend and conjoin into building units and were then assembled into a freestanding, partially translucent wall.
  • Detail photo of corrugated cardboard
    Detail photo of the corrugated cardboard of Corrulamp