On the Water | Palisade Bay
A two-year investigation of New York’s Palisade Bay funded by the AIA’s 2007 Latrobe Prize, On the Water | Palisade Bay proposed the redesign of the upper harbor of New York and New Jersey in response to the rise of sea levels and storm surges.

The project culminated in a book, was the basis for the exhibition Rising Currents: Projects for New York’s Waterfront at the Museum of Modern Art and was exhibited at the Architecture Biennale in Venice, Italy.

Led by the engineer Guy Nordenson, a multidisciplinary team of collaborators researched and documented the physical conditions of the harbor. GIS mapping of topography and bathymetry provided a means to precisely measure the impact of elevated water levels and storm surges on the surrounding land, buildings, and infrastructure.

Focused on a vision of the harbor as a new regional center, the project was partly a response to the failure of “hard” engineering during Hurricane Katrina. Instead of building floodwalls to keep the water out, “soft” engineering strategies including a constructed archipelago and wetlands were proposed to blunt storm surge force and address the advance of water onto land. The result is a resilient relationship between land and water, beneficial for both people and the surrounding habitat.

2010 AIA New York City, Merit Award for Unbuilt Projects
2007 AIA College of Fellows, Latrobe Prize