Megumi Tamanaha, AIA, Studio Director


Megumi joined ARO in 2000, and has since become the Studio Director. She oversees office personnel and management including staffing and workloads, and manages People operations, in addition to nurturing the culture of the office. Megumi has led multiple projects as Project Director, including Brooklyn Bridge Park and Brooklyn Botanic Garden, retail projects for Calvin Klein, a new synagogue for Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, several academic projects including the Princeton School of Architecture, Colorado College’s Packard Hall, Barnard College Center for the Study of Child Development, ARO’s new office in Brooklyn, and residences like Martha’s Vineyard House. She is currently working on a higher education planning project in Boston, as well as the 79th Street Boat Basin Dockhouse. In addition, Megumi leads office mentorship initiatives, including ARO’s involvement in the CityTech Pre-Internship Program. Megumi has previous work experience in Tokyo and Seattle and has also taught at New Jersey Institute of Technology; the School of Constructed Environments, Parsons the New School for Design; and Barnard College. Megumi holds an undergraduate degree in architecture from the University of Washington and an M.Arch from Columbia University.