Brooklyn Bridge Park M&O Building

Two new structures, a maintenance and operations (M&O) building and boathouse, celebrate Brooklyn Bridge Park’s public setting.

Illuminated Maintenance and Operations building at dusk

Brooklyn Bridge Park (BBP) is a 1.5-mile-long park by Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates that has transformed Brooklyn’s industrial waterfront into a place for the entire city to play, learn, and relax. Located in the Pier 5 Uplands, the architecture of each building is purposeful, economical and resilient, in response to their different uses and the character of the Park.


While the Boathouse is a focal point within the park, the M&O building defines the park’s urban edge along Furman Street at the corner with Montague Street. Located beside the Park’s administrative headquarters, the M&O building includes staff offices, a horticulture lab, storage area, and an outdoor work yard to support the Park’s gardeners.

A man exits the storage area through a gate on his way towards the building
  • A group of people sit at tables in a wood-paneled break room
    Wood-paneled break room
  • Three people sit at a high table in a horticultural lab with floor-to-ceiling window
    Horticulture lab
  • A mechanic shop with a gold cart being serviced
The Maintenance and Operations building at dusk with a view through glass windows of people working inside

As with all of our projects, our work for BBP emphasizes environmentally responsible practices in design, construction, and systems operation—which is also fundamental to the Park’s mission. Metal siding, fiber cement panels and aluminum grilles on the exterior, together with interior exposed steel, plywood walls and concrete floors, are carefully composed to elevate the quality of these prosaic structures.

Two people stand by angled light panels along the building façade at night
The faceted facade along Furman Street provides a rhythm at the pedestrian scale.
Aerial site plan of ARO's projects for Brooklyn Bridge Park: 99 Plymouth Street, Boathouse, and M+O Building
Aerial site plan of ARO's projects for Brooklyn Bridge Park: 99 Plymouth Street, Boathouse, and M+O Building